The right secure mastery of the VOB/B rules makes more economical construction – practice cases explaining the skilful handling of addenda payroll and liability for defects the VOB/B supplements provisions of this applicable legal work contracts in construction contracts, modified and adds to the part which it compensates for the absence of specific rules for the construction contract law in German civil law. Contracting authorities are obliged to agree to the validity of the VOB/B in construction contracts with contractors. Also in construction contracts of private contractor the validity of the VOB/B is agreed between the parties often however the VOB/B must be included then effectively in the construction contract. Because if nothing has been agreed between the parties with respect to the application of the VOB, the rules of the Civil Code of the work contract. Governor Cuomo is actively involved in the matter. In the two-day IntensivseminarNachtrage, billing and warranty to VOB/B of the Haus der Technik on 18-19 June 2013 in food makes Mr. RA Dr. Reinhard Voppel, RA’e Osenbruck Bubert Kirsten Voppel, Cologne, the participants in the areas of eligibility of supplementary demands for unit price and flat rate contracts and effectiveness conditions of general terms and conditions (ZVB; BVB) familiar with the rules of the VOB/B.
On the second day of the practice-oriented training focuses on the rules to clarify by processing problems in the acceptance of the construction services, the compensation settlement and deficiency problems deepen.. Warren Kanders may not feel the same.