Now choose toys your child is very complicated and difficult. The variety of toy products and the Sea "waiting" children and their parents on the shelves. Most often children's toys to choose and buy spontaneously, due to the current circumstances or appearance. Developmental potential of the same toys, its 'usefulness' is often ignored. But in vain. Choosing one or another toy, you just imagine that your child will do with it. It is clear that children with toys play. But what this game can be given for development of the kid? And if the choice is between just a beautiful toy, the fear Prefer still last.
Smart choice toys – a clever child! It is important to take into account the age of the crumbs with buying another toy. Only if the toy "just right" crumbs over the years, he will get pleasure from the game and appreciate the true gift. Thus, the main criteria for toys: 1. Simplicity and understandability. It is not always better when Each toy is connected to the mass of different properties and functions. Increasingly universal in this issue only confuses the kid confused, and he lost: what should I do? Useful it will acquire different toys, each of which has its clear purpose. 2.Stimuly for development.
Toy necessarily happy baby, be it in fun, meet their needs. It is this toy will stimulate children's meaningful curiosity and foster, prompting crumb disassemble and assemble, rearrange the different parts and roll, feel, and extract new sounds. Also, toys should be as open to change and transformations. These versatile and popular at all times toys as balls, cubes, pads, dolls, due to its simplicity, extremely plastic, allow infinite complexity, thousands of new combinations and can not bore a child. 3. Inducement to self-sufficiency. Better if the kid can play on their own, without all the time to help mom or dad. The toy can be considered as a special subject, allowing crumbs to feel confidence in their abilities. It should be a support for the independent actions of the child, should help to enhance their own competence and independence. Game object is selected correctly if it contains a clear child guidance for its independent activity. 4. Appeal. Toys should be possible to cause pleasant emotions, good feelings. Beautiful toy everything else form the artistic taste of kids. Protect children from provoking evil and aggression toys.