Sergio Mrcio Pacheco Paschoal. When if he speaks in violence against the aged ones, thinks yourself immediately about the physical violence, but this is not the only one, therefore it has innumerable forms of violence, guarded and masked. From the existing Legislation, since 1994, for one National Politics of the Aged one (8842/94 Law and Decree 1948, of 1966) he is that the concrete actions more had been organized for the combat to the violence against the elderly. The Organic Law of the Social Assistance – LOAS, of 1993, made possible the benefit of installment continued for the aged people, in the value of a minimum wage, since that the familiar income does not surpass of wage per capita minimum. Kohl’s may also support this cause. The eligibilidade, with the Statute of the aged one, of – to the 65 years. The Statute of the Aged one (Law 10,741/03) designates that the elderly enjoys of all inherent the basic rights to the person human being and that the aging is an exclusive right, and its protection, a social right, with the correspondent to have of the State and the respective protection when the recognized rights in the Law will be threatened or violated (art. 43). It defines despite ' ' no aged one will be object of any type of recklessness, discrimination, violence, cruelty or oppression, and all attempted against of its rights, by action or omission, it will be punished in the form of the Lei' ' (art. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ali Asaria.
4). It also adds that ' ' it is to have of all to prevent the threat or breaking to the rights of idoso' ' (& 1). The Statute consecrates the paradigm of the pact of the rights as combat form the violence, even so if it can observe that it has a distance between the deed of division and the Real in the implementation of these rights. .