Earth Knowledge

I have, currently that one has, in general seems determined by which it will say. It has a lot of prejudice of Convention, of social judgment. And it could, therefore, cause a great falsehood regarding the real content (value) of what you have. In other words, confusion in relation to its conceptualization in terms of authenticity; If it is better have because he is owner of material matters or is carrier of intangible spiritual substances. In the first case, well that seems specific conditions to say I have; House, vehicle or the billions of bolivars so credited.

For the second, assuming no need more than true knowledge, and life is more difficult to prove that you have something, although knowledge or knowing which owns can behave wonder it save the world. The problem is that it is intangible, nobody sees and can not be digested so that someone, for example, eat it and may then say that It serves to something. From there the disregard for the world of the invisible, to put it in some way. Tired the world to have teachers who passed the knowledge that saves the world, and were in his time, without exception, in the eyes of the owners of the fortunes, redomados miserable, often shirtless to death. Such is the price of not being rich in material Affairs of Earth; This is not be depositary of monetary treasures, but same ideas that are the currency of the Ethereal. Touching the head and say I have maintained a substantial difference with which you touch your wallet or your properties and say the same thing. It is both the necessity of conviction by touching wood of the man the same teachers, sometimes tired material vocation in the world, had to accept among his followers men who never finished disposing of such modeling. Santo Tomas had to introduce a finger on the injured hand of Jesus de Nazareth to be sure of his divinity, even made matter.

Rodriguez Robles

Has been doing a campaign with the name we want a subway in Guadalajara where requests the Government that I expanded the metro lines because it is useful within a city transport as seen in the cities of other countries such as United States or the vast majority of European countries. The Metro or Siteur (urban electric train system) covers 1 account with 19 stations running from North to South within the line and line 2 has 20 stations and runs East-West. On the other hand, it is Pre train which is like light rail and in fact circulates in your same lines only which is characterised by being a little more eco-friendly, with 26 units and Platform for disabled. A third line of the Guadalajara metro expansion is waiting but on February 29, 2008 he was unveiled a new means of transport that will be the Guadalajara macrobus or BRT and offers be a great means of transportation. The people behind the campaign want a subway in Guadalajara gave an analysis done for the State of Nuevo Leon where established that even though the initial investment of the BRT is less expensive that the extend the subway, the metro in the future promises more things than the Guadalajara macrobus. What is sought with this campaign is the proposal of the metro as the best answer to the problem of the means of transport in Guadalajara and basically ask the Government to do something for the city and its inhabitants. The important thing here is that the Government begin to not only worry about if not to act and implement their proposals for the improvement of the city as Guadalajara is continually growing and will not stop because of the inefficiency of their means of transport.

Sofia Conti Autor Day

How? Continue reading during the days following we were working with your mind, your spirit, in such a way that realized that was going to succeed because he had burnt the ships, following the story of the Conqueror of Mexico, Hernan cuts. Stories worse than him who had completed in millionaires, people with a lot less talent or with bankruptcy with numbers 6, 7, 8 or more figures that they were able to arise which bird Phoenix, and absolute perspective change were constant in those days. Yes, really a motivation and training of custom spirit work I did with him. Do you know what? From the moment that he became convinced that he could, he concentrated all his thoughts on what he would achieve in their abilities and talents, instead of the previous defeat, I knew there was no chance that fails. And so it was. He not only recovered all the investment that had been made and lost, but had tripled. And that was just the beginning of accelerated growth, constant, not only in their finances, but in all aspects of his life. We all have the potential of doing similar things, only that We concentrate on what we have not, in the shortage (physical, mental and spiritual).

For example, if you want to lose weight: you don’t go all the time in the fat that you are, everything you ate, all diets that failed before, everything that you like to eat, the impossible which is controlling you, etc, etc, etc. Without wanting to, you are giving your mind the material with which you live day to day. Do you think that it is possible to lose weight as well? What would happen if you give him a perspective different from the situation? Doesn’t mean you’re going to be a positivist silly (as I call them I) than are those who are setting fire and still insist I do not burn, I don’t burn, everything is peace, all is love, but positive royalists: today I had an unexpected result or junk but that I won’t leave on the road: I will concentrate on my goalI’m going to trust my talent, I’m going to raise every time need to be but I will achieve this! It is no secret that this is the attitude of any winner. You, what place you want to be? Do with what kind of thoughts you feed your mind each day? I invite you to that if you also have any comment, reflection or critique that can complete my answer, or want to share something with me or with other subscribers, that you place it under this article.

Photographic Film

Robert Burley Canadian chemist and NXEL GROVE photographer has documented the dismantling of the large factories of Kodak, Agfa and Polaroid. Radical and irrevocable photography paradigm shift has occurred in just ten years, and the author writes an obituary on the death of the chemical film. The disappearance of darkness book collects images of demolitions with explosives factories and the abandonment of family businesses developing and printing of photos. It is a book devoted to drafting, with words and images, an obituary on the death of photography as we knew it until only ten years ago. The radical and irrevocable paradigm shift of the art of obtaining, processing and copying images has been fulminating: digital photography has defeated and virtually erased from map to traditional techniques based on the chemical film in just ten years, says the author.

Robert Burley, area coordinator of photography in the Faculty of Arts of image of Ryerson University in Toronto (Canada), is the author of the melancholy farewell. Conveniently, has given the physical book, analog The Dissappearance of Darkness: Photography at the End of the Analog Era (the disappearance of darkness: the picture at the end of the analog era). It just came out of the printing press and publishing house Princeton Architectural Press distributes it. Touch, smell, moved the author, who is also a well-known photographer dedicated to the study of the relationships between nature, architecture and cities, acknowledges in the preface of the work all over for analog photography. It is clear that the dark, chemical and physical type of photography that I lived during the first half of life will not survive until the second. My experience taking photographs, which involved not only see, but also to touch, smell and move around dark rooms with trays full of chemical baths and safety lights, extinguished. It has been replaced by instruments electronic, that allow me to, although some would say that they oblige me, manipulate intangible data on a bright screen, it adds.

Nursing Care

Anthropology in nursing the role played by culture in the process health-disease and more specifically in the context of Anthropology from nursing care is essential. We are immersed in a prism of multicultural societies in which it is essential rethinking situations of care and therapeutic processes and incorporate new approaches, both own and other disciplines. Anthropological knowledge and its method, can help the discipline of nursing address and illustrate the situations of optimal care, finding its true. All human behavior is covered with a significance that goes beyond one’s person. We know that the study of culture provides the keys to these behaviors, as different and varied as existing cultures.

Activities of the care or maintenance of life and health-disease States can not be separated in a category apart. Care is a social and cultural phenomenon, a social and human science that requires preparation, knowledge, research and above all experience of work in situ, with the sick. Take care is to put hard work, diligence, attention and availability. Cannot offer a good quality in nursing practice if communication is poor, for which this is an aspect to take into account from the outset by any health professional. Everyone would learn to communicate clearly, with delicacy and affection with patients, their families and colleagues. It is important that they are encouraged to seek the solution to real problems and that assimilate information designed to promote skills, not only on the application of new knowledge, but also at the empathic communication with patients and from an anthropological perspective. From the outset, it is necessary that health professionals know to evaluate all the aspects concerning the sociocultural community in which we operate. All health workers as a human being has to assume its role alongside the sick person in the moments that this requires your support to maintain its stability emotional before the various events that occur, and for this reason must be aware that one of their main obligations is to find time to talk with patients and deepen in the psychosocial aspect and anthropological.

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Accumulation Process

The accumulation process gains new rhythm and localization of the activities most income-producing if becomes more selective. A region is, in the truth, lcus of determined functions of the total society at a given moment. But, for the fact of that, in the past, the same phenomenon if produced, preceding the space divisions of the work had created, in the respective area, diverse fixed instruments of work ace orbits of the productive process, which if comes to join new necessary instruments of work to the activities new and renewed current. The region if would define, thus, as the result of on possibilities to a certain presence, in it, of fixed capitals exerting determined paper or determined functions techniques and of the conditions of its economic functioning, given for the net of relations above indicated. One can be said that it has a true dialectic between both these concrete factors, influencing and modifying the other. Thus, the regional one would be given accurately by forms, considered, however, as forms techniques, except if already they do not function, never leave of being carrying of a content, that is, of a on reception system to the internal logic of firms or institutions and that resistncias to the logic amplest, of general, national nature.

The penetration, in the field, of the forms most modern of the capitalism leads the two complementary results. Of a side, new geographic objects if create, establishing a new structure technique, of another one, the proper structure of the dumb space. Assignments such as urban region or agricultural zone gain a new content. In an area where the organic composition of the capital is raised, where amount and quality of the roads favor the circulation and the exchanges, where the proximity of a great city and the productive and space specialization lead the complementation, the field if it industrializes, becomes object of advanced relation of capital, clearly distinct of that they have place in the traditional agricultural regions in such a way, how much in that, being modern, are distanciadas of the developed urban areas more. What it would distinguish the urban region and the agricultural region will not be more the functional espacializao, but the amount, the density and the multidimension of the relations kept on the respective space. The opposition notion city-field becomes, in this manner, change, to give to place to the complementaridade notion and its exercise on a portion of the space.

Without a doubt, the total space of a country is solidary, therefore to complement. Here, however, one is about cooperation to an inferior scale, that is, to the scale of the immediate process of the production and/or consumption.

So Paulo

… In such a way, creates a new concept of marketing quetrabalha the necessity to review the question of the productive process desenvolvidoatravs of the modern technology as for the provisionamento of estruturase technologies guided for the marketing, that will be compatible with the equilbrioecolgico, allowing ample convenience, use of not pollutant resources, recycling of materials, replanejamento of products, expansion of the technology derecuperao and recycling of industry and consumption debris. Many companies attract consumers with its participation emprodutos of the green lines, understood as developed to be menosprejudiciais and more friends of the environment. This social trend also is umfenmeno of the marketing, that is giving to space the appearance of a new segment green deconsumidores. These consumers now are worried not only to emsatisfazer its current necessities, being worried also in protecting meioambiente, compelling the companies to adaptarem this new form to understand omarketing to it. According to publication of the Magazine Time. So Paulo: Maro.2008 -. Weekly.

It buys Green, the research of the Akatu institute, disclosed that 74%de the Brazilians want to buy products that do not degrade the Oinstituto environment are responsible for the first national surveys on relaoentre consumption and the social and ambient responsibilities of the companies. ' ' Queera a market niche today is one exigncia' ' , it affirmed the director of the Akatu, Mattar Helium (TIME, 2008) For Vaz (2000, P. 343), the ecological marketing apresentacaractersticas of the Marketing of Ideas and of Image, in its appearance with omarketing of ideas, it evidenced the formation of groups of defenses of meioambiente, with great ideological apelos. In relation to the image marketing, its influence in the credibility and of the possible preference is distinguished dosconsumidores face to the ecologically correct products, thus improving the imageminstitucional and a marketing chance. The ecological marketing consists of the practical one of all inherent aquelasatividades to the marketing, however incorporating the ambient concern, and with this he is not simply restricted to the ecological propaganda, however, ideal that the companies adopt an attitude communication, divulging what elastm developed to benefit the environment.

So Paulo

So Paulo: Perspective, 1985, p) ; ' ' The episode naturalista' ' , of Nelson 447); ‘ ‘ Alusio main Azevedo and naturalistas’ ‘ , of Alfredo Bosi (in concise History of Brazilian literature, 41. Ed. So Paulo: cutrix, 2006, P. 187 194); ‘ ‘ Realism. Naturalismo. Parnasianismo’ ‘ , of Afrnio Coutinho (in literature in Brazil. v 4.7 ed.

So Paulo, 2004, P. 4 12); This article will be divided in two sections. In the first one, intitled ‘ ‘ The metamorphosis of the metaphor of corpo’ ‘ , in which we will give approach in the body of the naturalistic and realistic personages, also demonstrating the distinction of the corporal characteristics romantic to become an analysis with the metaphor of the realistic and naturalistic body; in second, the zoomorfia in the tenement house, we will analyze as if the instincts compare the personages with the animals comparing desires attitudes human beings of the not rational animals in the book, the tenement house, of Alusio Azevedo. The edition of> The tenement house that we use for the elaboration of this article was of the Publishing company Cultural Money market, So Paulo, 2007. I – The METAMORPHOSIS OF the METAPHOR OF the BODY We will go to analyze, to follow, as it was the description of the body in the Romantismo, with its subjetivismo and modesty, to compare the changes happened in the evolution for metaphor of the body of the realistic and naturalistic personages, in Brazilian literature, thus detaching its differences in the description form, analysis, its approaches and what it provokes in the romantic men and the realists and naturalists. In the Romantismo, in what it touches to the narrative, it was common to the romancistas almost to hide the body of its personages, what it has everything to see with the ethics and moral of the authors of the time, that is, enters the two last decades of century XVIII and the ends of the first half of century XIX, if it verified the great rupture with the standards of the classic taste, extended by means of the iluminista Neoclassicismo.


According to it increases the cost of the life, we felt the necessity to gain more money, but siem? pre we wondered ourselves how we can obtain it and how we will let know to our head about our necessity. Then, next we suggested some very useful advice to him for it: Before realising the request of wage increase, it must asegrese of which the company is in excellent economic situation and that his head can to grant the increase to him. It compares its pay in relation to the similar positions in the company that is toiling at the moment and other companies. For example, if he is himself teller of a supermarket investigates the wage of his other companions tellers and the tellers of other supermarkets. Of this form he will be able to determine if he is gaining more under the average. If he is winning in the average or more above, it is more difficult that they grant his request to him of increase. & nbs p; It tries that their request is done through an intermediary who must be a hierarchic superior to you, but that he has equal level of hierarchy to its head so that it does not see that you have happened over him Causes that this person gives positive information about her work. This person will be able to inform to him to you about the concept that has its head on its work and if the same is not favorable, will have the opportunity to overcome her deficiencies and to hope another opportunity to ask for the increase so wished. She waits for the opportune moment in that his head is of the good humor, especially the hours in the morning (and the first day of lasemana) are more favorable, because seg? n is passing the day, its head goes away, crushing of problems and its spirit is indisposed.