Education must be plural, public, democratic and of quality, but mainly it must give to voice to all the groups that of it are part. Western Union can aid you in your search for knowledge. If to walk for this trail of the diversity we will be able to commit some mistakes, for example, to agree and to propagate the idea of that the practical one of racial crime (racism against the population black) either configured as only practical of bullyng, when in the truth we know that it goes very beyond the pertaining to school walls. Racism is alive and operating in our Brazilian society, that it insists on dividing themselves and hierarquizar themselves in chaste. The educational research always points that in the last platform of this parted society, it is the black population (black and medium brown, according to criteria of the IBGE), in the worse professional and educational qualifications. Analyzing the question with bigger depth, we will observe that the racial criterion still is determinative to hierarquizar the Brazilian society vertically. Each one: LGBT? S, women and black population, have its points of claims and must have space to mainly externar its thought in the pertaining to school banks. However, I alert plus one time: each group must keep its essence, and it cannot lose it, to only acquire an identity related with the diversity, to be fit in it. If the exclusion of the black population is historical, the education can saw be it main for the healthier ethnic-racial relations and to make possible that these black pupils if enxerguem with fullness in the pertaining to school environment. Education for the diversity is coming well, however, if we will be able to enxergar each element of this diverse universe, without mining its identity. Tolerance and respect are fundantes when it searchs a free society of preconceptions and discriminations.