The guarantee volume of these cases is 17 percent higher than the during the same period of the previous year. Positive annual result of surety bank guarantee Bank had total 3.376 customers as of December 31, 2012. The guarantee volume amounted to 348,55 million euro. After 2011 with 113,000 euros guarantee Bank could expel Schleswig-Holstein for 2012 again a positive net income amounting to 500,000 euro (2010:-1.95 million euro). The 2012 new provisions there are 8.8 million euros compared with releases of 5.2 million euros.
The commitment of all commitments went to 349 million euros (previous year EUR 361 million) back. Equity capital rose to EUR 37.4 million (2011: 36.8 million euro) and significantly increased 37.6 percent of total assets, compared with the previous year. Although the loss payments have increased. In 2012, a total of EUR 9.8 million, amounted to (2011: 8.6 million euro; 2010: 12.3 million euro). The amounts received on written-down claims 2012 amounted to EUR 0.4 million (2011: 0.5 Mio Euro). End of last year had 45 employees at the guarantee Bank Schleswig-Holstein (previous year 44 employees). Outlook 2013 experienced the German economy after the growth years 2010 and 2011 2012 almost a reversal of trend.
While the gross domestic product grew 3.0 percent in 2011, this value 2012 fell to 0.7 percent. In January, the Federal Government assumed that gross domestic product will grow 2013 only have 0.4 percent. The Council of experts predicts in its annual report by March this year 0.3 percent for 2013, while the Kiel Institute for the world economy a growth of 0.6 percent predicts. According to current KfW SME Panel assumes the bulk of the companies by the continued existence of the euro crisis and tackle, however, with forces. The economy is supported by a still strong domestic demand. In the northernmost Federal State the assessment of the future development of the business is still positive: according to the business climate index of the Schleswig-Holstein CCI, 19.3 percent of the entrepreneurs expect an improvement in their situation, 63.2 percent a constant. For the protection of investments of the Schleswig-Holstein economy is even more space in the future: State and federal have extended the guarantees for the guarantee Bank for 2013-2017 and increases the volume of individual guarantees of least Euro 1.0 million on Euro 1.25 million. That means for the company in Schleswig-Holstein: the guarantee Bank can take over immediately more guarantees. Guarantees to reduce the need for equity capital of banks. This helps III in particular in terms of Basel, that financing of SMEs can provide additional funds and the banking industry can continue to build on the risk-sharing with the guarantee Bank and other funding institutions”, as Hans-Peter Petersen, and added: We are happy about our high market penetration and in particular due to the economic conditions of the reached high displacement for the companies in Schleswig-Holstein.”