Business letter writing usually starts with the coordinates of the destination. Of course, it is necessary in this section are letters to indicate the name of the person or persons to whom the letter is intended. If it is addressed to a limited company liability, commercial firm, etc., that indicate only the company name. And if we turn to the company, the title of which contains a name, or a partnership, it is possible to use treatment Messrs (Reduction of Messieurs – Gentlemen). For example: Messrs. Hamilton and Rodgers 256 High Holborn London WC1 7GS Welcome necessarily at the beginning of the letter after the address. Indent in double spacing, you need to dial Dear Sirs. This is the most common greeting in a business letter when treated rather than to an individual employee, and the entire organization.
After such treatment is often preceded by a comma, but it is generally flexible and depends on the preferences of the company. In the U.S., the most common greeting is "Gentlemen:". If the letter addressed to an individual who works in the firm, then the desired greeting – Dear Sir, Dear Madam. We're talking Dear Mr__, Dear Mrs__, Dear Miss__, if more are going to specify the name of a person. Dear Ms__ say if the call to a woman rather than by name and by position. Recently time form of treatment Ms becoming more common.
She appeared in the U.S., as well as her "male" equivalent of Mr, does not distinguish whether the addressee is married or not. Specific needs and the appropriate greeting conclusion of a business letter. If the greeting Dear Sir or Dear Sirs then concluded the letter uses Yours faithfully, rarely Yours truly. If a person turns on the name, for example, Dear Mr James, Dear Ms Brown, then the correct form of the funeral will be Yours sincerely. We give an example of compliance address the treatment and detention in a business letter: The Sales Manager Dear Sir Yours faithfully Yours truly Equipment Ltd Richmond Surrey sfy 3DF King fw, Ann Cree D. Commercial Correspondence for Foreign Students – Longman