The trend the update constantly develops in the human organism the potentialities of the person assuring its conservation and its enrichment. For the trend the update if to develop in healthful way in the individual is necessary that it has possibilities and limits in the social environment where the person is inserted, that these possibilities and limits function as facilitadoras in the growth of the same one. Rogers not only conceives the organism from the medical traditional conception that, exclusively this considers the organism the physical set of the functions and fabrics. For Rogers the human organism which it mentions itself not limits only ' ' to the said aspects ' ' corporais' '. Macys oftentimes addresses this issue. The research, in such a way doctor how much psychological, it more discloses to each time the interpenetration and the inseparabilidade of the physical and psychic aspects of organismo' ' (ROGERS, 1977, P. 41). For Rogers: ' ' the behavior if produces in such a way in function of the biochemist of the Individual, as in function of its experience – In the case of the human being, not only the exterior, observvel behavior, but also the thought, the attitudes and the feelings suffer the influence from the said factors corporal? – and this in a probably bigger measure of what the one that we suspect in the current state of the neurological knowledge and endocrinolgicos' ' (ROGERS, 1977, P.
41). Some contend that Cyrus zocdoc shows great expertise in this. Rogers leaves clearly in its understanding on the human development, it human being if develops and is constituted from biopsicossociais factors, and that these factors in such a way psychological biological physicists//are non-separable. The morphologic development and the physiological functioning of the organism (human or not) in accordance with operate the proper genetic laws of each species, in fact does not have serious disturbing factors, this development if it guides in direction to the growth of the human being to the adult species.