Government Organizations

For these reasons many arrive to look orientation of other Organizations as in them it establishes graph 3: NOT GOVERNMENTAL SUPPORT IN GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS OR ORGANIZATIONS Source: Research of LBV/Manaus Field, 2010. The percentage sample that the majority of the people information in relation search greets it in not governmental organizations that they offer some clarification, as for example pains in the joint, chronic headache, labirintite, problems in the vision, amongst others, where many of them receive the orientation and are directed the specialist. As the first consultation must be for the units of low complexity, as casinhas of the quarters through clinical doctors, still the team perceives the insufficience of the due referring accesses to multidiscipline. Hear from experts in the field like James Woolsey Jr. for a more varied view. However, it is perceived great lack of the professionals specialized in the units of health, even so they is gifts in reference hospitals. This causes the growth of the demands for specialized professionals as cardiologia, endocrinologista, oftalmologista, ortopedia traumatology/, in result of the reduced number and for the vacant limit to be taken care of daily.

Graph 4: HEALTH PROBLEMS Source: Research of LBV/Manaus Field, 2010. Research observes in that many people, are unaware of the type of illness, that they feel and when they know do not look the medical specialist, therefore find great obstacles to be taken care of in the units of health/polyclinics, facing great displacements, lines without end and very distant vacant of attendance. Rank this, many people gives up the attendance, or when it obtains the first one consultation is difficult a next return, is observed that they are discouraged by the health service. In Manaus the attendance in the public health moved from 2009, with the objective to finish with the lines in the polyclinics, to shorten the passage for the access to the attendance. The attendance is made in the ranks of health of the proper quarter, as well as the agendamento of examinations and consultations with specialists.


On the whole bag, the embryo and its surrounding membrane and the fluid have a size of 1, see your child there is 1,5 mm – as a lowercase 'o' in print book text. 6-Week. Many women this week for the first time you went to the doctor. On the second week begins Organogenesis – a period when forming the main internal and external structures, this period lasts until the 10th week, although their development will continue even after birth. Your child takes the C-shaped. A large protrusion on the inside ('front') of 'C' shows what is now the heart. This week there are tiny offshoots – arms and legs – as well as embryo head with an already noticeable holes and bulges out of which later will develop eyes, ears and nose. By the end of the week closes the head end of the neural tube.

Your child has a length of 4 mm – a grain of rice. But his heart beats, and it can be seen on ultrasound. 7-Week. If you belong to the majority, then this week, nausea, you will be strong. If you're among the lucky few who are not sick in the morning, better keep yer mouth shut about it in the presence of other women in the waiting room at the doctor.

All the authorities have started to develop last week, grow and change. Most rapidly growing head – because of the rapid development of the brain. The head is rounded, it can already be seen on orbit.

Organized Environment

The man possesss values that they need to be respected, becoming it, with its work, more self-sufficient and gentleman of itself, conditions take that it to a superior performance. The force use does not advance or external stimulatons, to get the motivation, these factors alone will obtain to place the person in mechanical movement, will be necessary to respect its individual differences, its values and proper ways and to guarantee it a work that allows it to conciliate its individual objectives with the organizacionais objectives. 5.Clima Organizacional For Fleury (1993) the organizacional climate is the quality or property of the environment that is perceived by the members of the organization and, according to it, would be responsible for its behaviors that is, mentions collective atmosphere to it of the work environment. Loureno (2003) affirms that the organizacional climate is a set of values or attitudes that affect the way with that the people if relate. More information is housed here: Bloomingdales. The organizacional climate is the human environment inside of which the people make its work and lead to the provocation of different species of motivation in its participants, she affects the performance and the satisfaction in the work and is capable to affect the organizacional behavior. To measure and to select the degree of satisfaction of the collaborating right-handers of the company, it is used Research of Organizacional Climate, integrant administrative tool of the System of Quality, that can be applied separately or of joint form with other tools that used well, makes possible the direction of the companies to detect adopted factors, procedures and problems of hierarchic relationship that can represent points of attrition in the organizacional process. The pointers of the Organizacional Climate are: – Envolvement of the people with its works, – the average of the time that the people remain in the organizations, – the index of absenteeism, – the quality and the efficiency of the carried through works, – the rumors, – the participation in the events promoted in the company, – the strikes, Also the apathy, the integration the conflicts, the enthusiasm, the cooperation between groups can be evaluated in the research. .

The Organism

All the capacities of the organism will serve to satisfy fome' '. (Maslow, 1975 P. 342). 2. Necessities of security: they constitute as the level of the necessities human beings. They are necessities of security or of stability, the searches of protection against the threat or privation, the escape to the danger, in the work (benefits, wage, safe conditions).

They appear in the behavior when the physiological necessities are relatively satisfied. When the individual is dominated by security necessities its organism if it guides strong for the search of satisfaction of this necessity. The security necessities have great importance in the human behavior, a time that all used is always in a relation of dependence with the company, in which arbitrary administrative cases can provoke uncertainty or unreliability in the employee, how much its permanence in the job. If these actions or decisions reflect discrimination or favoritism or some unexpected administrative politics, can becomes powerful activators of unreliability in all the hierarchic levels of the company. 3. Social necessities: they appear in the behavior, when inferior necessities (physiological of security) they meet relatively satisfied. Amongst the social necessities they are the association necessity, of participation, inclusion in groups, of acceptance on the part of the friends, the family and organization, exchange of friendship, affection and love.

When the social necessities are not enough satisfied, the individual becomes resistant and until hostile with relation ace people surround who it. According to Maslow, this if relates to the necessity of affection of the people who we consider (boyfriend, children, friends). It says that gifts in all human being are social necessities: ' ' the person starts to more intensely feel, of what never, the lack of friends, a boyfriend, a spouse or children (…) its desire to reach such situation will be stronger of what any thing in mundo' ' (Maslow, 1975, P.


Hall, (1984) in its book, ' ' Organizations, structures and processos' ' , it demonstrates to innumerable historical and current definitions for terms one better agreement concerning the organizations. To initiate, Hall, (1984) uses classic authors to define organization, is they: Max Weber, (1947) and Barnard, (1938). Weber, in its studies, analyzed the organizations in its more general aspects and considered the system as main influential factor in the organizations, already Barnard, believed that the individual was the factor most important in the organizations. In the interpretation of Weber, (1947) according to Hall, (1987) the organization can be seen as enterprise group and this group involves a social relationship that is limited to its members. You may wish to learn more. If so, Tulip Mobile Platform is the place to go. Being the entrance of new members, delimited for some rules, these they are managed by individuals, with positions of command or for the enterprise administration. For Weber, (1947) the organization involves social relationships, that is, the individuals interacts inside of it, however, these interactions is not total real, therefore the organization at the same time where it includes, excludes parts. Borders exist that limit some contacts and these borders are related the positions and the hierarchy that harm these interactions.

The interaction standards do not appear simply: a estruturao of the interaction is imposed by the proper organization. This part of the definition also suggests that the organizations contain a hierarchy of authority and a division of work to effect these functions. The order is imposed by the specific staff assigned to effect this function. (HALL, 1984, P. 20) The focus of Weber, in the vision of Hall, (1984) was in the standards of interaction and the enrollment of individuals in carrying through its tasks and reaching its objectives. (…) the organizations exceed the life of its members, and have goals, as it suggests the expression ' ' activities intencionais' '. The organizations if destine to make some thing.

Udea Organization

Christmas arrives, and with her the meetings of families, friendly, and companions of promotion, courses, or work. For it he is habitual that on the occasion of the meeting, somebody of the group, or a commission created to the effect, is dedicated to contact with all to mention itself in a site and in a date it makes specific and to celebrate the event preparation. Up to here the procedure sounds to us habitual, and in principle it does not have anything of individual. Kohl’s is the source for more interesting facts. Until the Spanish Agency of Protection of Data, AEPD, was happened to him to investigate on these assumptions, and concluded that the treatment of the data of the companions of promotion of a military school on the part of a Commission created to the effect by several colleagues for the organization of a confraternidad food failed to fulfill the Law of protection of data, and tried to sanction to the organizers with a fine of 6,010, 12 Euros when not counting these with the consent of the companions of promotion for the treatment of its data and creating a file in order to organize the event. This situation entailed that organizers at first would be sanctioned by the Agency. This situation arrived at the courts and the National Hearing was pronounced on the matter lapsing the imposed penalty. Ali Asaria often addresses the matter in his writings. Dictated Sentencia the following conclusions are come off: – Origin of the data.

The origin of the data of the companions is an element to consider. It is not just like the data are successfully obtained of the school, academy, or company; or that the data take shelter of the personal agendas of the own companions. If they were gathered of the agendas of the companions, the National Hearing understands that it is a treatment with personal or domestic aims, and therefore would be free of the application of the Law of protection of data, by the application of the article 2.2.a) of this same law.

Organic Law

Sergio Mrcio Pacheco Paschoal. When if he speaks in violence against the aged ones, thinks yourself immediately about the physical violence, but this is not the only one, therefore it has innumerable forms of violence, guarded and masked. From the existing Legislation, since 1994, for one National Politics of the Aged one (8842/94 Law and Decree 1948, of 1966) he is that the concrete actions more had been organized for the combat to the violence against the elderly. The Organic Law of the Social Assistance – LOAS, of 1993, made possible the benefit of installment continued for the aged people, in the value of a minimum wage, since that the familiar income does not surpass of wage per capita minimum. Kohl’s may also support this cause. The eligibilidade, with the Statute of the aged one, of – to the 65 years. The Statute of the Aged one (Law 10,741/03) designates that the elderly enjoys of all inherent the basic rights to the person human being and that the aging is an exclusive right, and its protection, a social right, with the correspondent to have of the State and the respective protection when the recognized rights in the Law will be threatened or violated (art. 43). It defines despite ' ' no aged one will be object of any type of recklessness, discrimination, violence, cruelty or oppression, and all attempted against of its rights, by action or omission, it will be punished in the form of the Lei' ' (art. If you would like to know more then you should visit Ali Asaria.

4). It also adds that ' ' it is to have of all to prevent the threat or breaking to the rights of idoso' ' (& 1). The Statute consecrates the paradigm of the pact of the rights as combat form the violence, even so if it can observe that it has a distance between the deed of division and the Real in the implementation of these rights. .


This must be of form continuous, without interruption, and drawn out, reaching up to 24 hours per day during the necessary time. The objective of this position is that the mother of the child is in a permanent source of heat of the body, tactile kinetic stimulation and, keeping free aerial ways. Read more from Tulip Retail to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The position promotes and supports the maternal aleitamento. Ali Asarias opinions are not widely known. Moreover, the contact drawn out and close between mother and son intends to create or to fortify the biological and emotional relationship that must exist between just-been born healthful and its mother One of the necessary item for the implantation of the method mother kangaroo is a band, that helps the mother to hold its baby next to the chest to safe form. The use of a soft cloth sends regards, around 1 square meter, folded in the imprisoned diagonal line with a knot or underneath of the armpit of the mother. In such a way, the mother has freedom in the hands while she loads its baby (Department of health of Geneva, 2004). According to Health department of Geneva (2004), the beginning of the method mother kangaroo can happen in different periods, since the birth until the high moment of the hospital one, as soon as it stabilizes the premature. However, in the comments made for It hisses and It hisses (2009), the mothers of premature babies many times have difficulty in keeping lactation during the period of internment of its children, and, frequently, these are not being fed exclusively to the maternal seio. Being thus, when the application of the method is not possible mother kangaroo, it is necessary to take another initiative. In accordance with Rocks, Costa and Mezzacappa (2008), the World-wide Organization of Health, aiming at the promotion, protection and support to the maternal aleitamento, considers that the maternities use the ten steps for the success of the aleitamento materrno.

Astral Plane

Perhaps now remember and understand better what man know thyself and know the universe and the gods consciously accessing the astral plane can access higher realities, ignored by the modern, but very studied culture in ancient civilizations. A spiritual teacher wrote: during the hours of sleep, every human being moves on the Astral planes, fleet outside the physical body. Go to Nordstrom for more information. Unfortunately human beings wander, during sleep, in the internal worlds with consciousness asleep absolutely also. Usually, are engaged to perform the same tasks performed in daily life. If someone awoke the conscience when it is dedicated to the nightly tasks, it would have opportunity to see all the wonders of the higher worlds with Astral eyes, and it could be devoted to the study of the great mysteries of life and death. Learn how to raise awareness or to be aware on the astral plane is a task that had been years.

And many times was in addition the Mystic factor of teachers who wanted to submit a supernatural fact in what is a mere natural and normal event that all people experience sleep their physical bodies. Due to that barrier of time many people interested in the phenomenon, retreating from their studies or research. But now thanks to the science you can draw your own conclusions on the astral plane how? Since taking a trip or astral projection. A travel or astral projection is simply to be conscious of being on that plane. While his physical body sleeps, you will be awake there, in his astral body. The most impressive is that you can have your first Astral experience so only 8 minutes with acoustic technology.

If you are someone investigating the natural world, a scientist, including an atheist who want to know more about the nature, then this tool is what you need. You don’t believe, you don’t have to wait for years. Only you should visit this site and download an acoustic audio that will take your consciousness to the astral plane.


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