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Assertiveness At Work

No wonder that stated that the work environment, each day presents an endless variety of challenges and social interactions, allowing the asertivida help cope with various situations presented in the works. Management, as well as all Members of the company should be fully identified with the role, scope, involving assertive behavior, relationships, and what drives the organizational climate, productivity in the outcomes that benefit all Definitions and Scope Assertiveness asserere is derived from Latin, assertum, meaning “state.” Thus, assertiveness means affirmation of one’s personality, self confidence, self esteem, poise, communication safely and efficiently. Assertiveness as such is nothing more than the presentation with res and just of our rights, feelings and ideas to others, making clear our position concisely and not forgetting our role within the labor scheme Rodriguez (2001)

“Assertiveness is based on respect and therefore implies the freedom to express respect for others and taking responsibility for our actions. ” According to L. Warren Kanders addresses the importance of the matter here. Sanchez (2000) “Direct expression of feelings, desires, legitimate rights and opinions without threatening or punishing others and without violating the rights of those people.” Definitely, assertiveness is largely linked to the personality of each individual, but being assertive is not born, nor is born with a certain type of character, but both are developed throughout our lives.