IRIA, shows with her fourth album, “safe” what healing music can have. Because she believes firmly. Munster, October 29th 2010. The company of oomoxx media, service providers in the field of producing digital media (CD, DVD, Blu-ray and USB sticks), recently announced, you’ll assume distribution for the latest CD “Salvaged” by singer and songwriter IRIA Saeed. The album is the fourth record in the distribution of oomoxx media. The love of music was placed almost in the cradle IRIA. Already her mother was very musical.

They play recorder, later, bassoon, guitar finally learned from childhood on. And of course, write the songs. “During the roller coaster ride of puberty”, IRIA writes on her website, “flew the bassoon in the corner and I was against everything and everyone.” Including himself. A crisis accompanied the next, the unspeakable ran up. But the love for the music and the songs writing helped her to find herself again. “To write songs became my means of expression.” And to a Survival strategy. She studied psychology in Trier, then worked after graduating first in the profession. But it was actually the music to which she felt drawn towards.

And so IRIA became independent in 2004. She writes all her songs, sings and picks them up. In addition, she are sing seminars and directs her own music circle. In their IRIA sings songs about life, so how it met her: “About love, in all its various forms of expression, about my own spiritual journey about what touches me and employs.” Their songs will touch the people and give them courage. IRIA believes in the healing power of music. Music can express unspeakable, she combines and builds bridges: “A song can a railing be a path, a bridge, a heart step, a prayer”. IRIA’s music is always colorful and versatile, “time rousing rhythmically, even romantic dreamy or contemplative, meditative times to listen and to sing along.” The songs are personal life themes of love and passion, of spirituality, of courage and restlessness and coming home. “Become a driven I,” writes IRIA, “again and again by my longing for a world that is characterized by love and mindfulness, and knowing that we all are part of a larger whole and in mutual responsibility.” “Salvaged” by IRIA Saeed is now available in the media shop on, through the distributors of oomoxx media, as well as the phonogram available on market. oomoxx media produced since 2004 in the sales order CDs, DVDs and, since 2009, Blu-rays and USB flash drives. Oomoxx media handles productions in every size and design in cooperation with a broad network of certified suppliers. Main of activity is the CD and DVD production with packaging and printed materials of all kinds. About reproduction, oomoxx media offers a wide range of additional services: by the Premastering and authoring, deploying various code and the clarification of rights and royalty processing through the creation of artwork up to the sales of the CD production and DVD offers production oomoxx media all services competent and committed a hand.

The Colloquy

However, it was not contained in holding its look for much time and soon it saw Taylor smiling to it, as it always made it since the first time. In the exit the youngster, when passing for its table, it left one another folded ticket. It opened it in some nervousness and some anxiety badly disfarada and read: ' ' She forgives the absence. I felt saudades.' ' He looked it one more time, but it already had left the cafeteria. During 12 months this situation if became habitual as its table, as its mug of chocolate and as its cheese cake. Taylor smiles to it and tickets with short phrases left it. It felt itself happy with that, even so she could not explain the reason and in its rationality of modern woman that found everything a bobagem without precedent. Its namoro continued firm.

Its family adored its boyfriend, was making plain to officialize the relation, after all, if they liked, they coexisted of truth, already the together nights passed almost all and were this that mattered. It was not? Taylor, still disappeared of time in when in the teras-fairs and per two weeks consecutive every month. Who is known there it would be and nothing it would modify its so habitual life. In that afternoon of winter however, when the cafeteria arrived and sat down in its place of custom with its mug of chocolate and its cheese cake, it saw that Taylor was not alone, a young woman it spoke to it and it held its hands, the two seemed moved the subject of the colloquy that it did not obtain to hear in the distance given of its table. After gesturing and the together couple very sau, however, the youngster still stopped in the door before leaving and a smile launched it different, open, happy, shining, intense and was impossible it to be indifferent to this gesture that brought it tears to the eyes, without it one more time found a coherent explanation for that.