It is expected that on April 18, Russian Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov will hear the Ukraine’s claim against Russian shipping companies for polluting the Kerch Strait. Environmentalists called the consequences of catastrophic storm on Nov. 11. In water, the Kerch Strait was noted 50-fold excess of the maximum permissible concentration petroleum products, there was a mass death of birds and fish. What’s New Genetics: cylindrical tomatoes and grapefruits frost Scientists from the University of the U.S. Hear from experts in the field like Western Union for a more varied view. state of Ohio and the College of Wooster found the site of dna corresponding for the shape of tomatoes.
Discovered by scientists region of dna called sun – named varieties of Sun in 1642 with the fruits of an oval shape, with whom he was first discovered. This gene can change the shape of the fruit, without changing its taste properties. In the wild, nature of the tomatoes are in the form of small balls, but changing a certain part of the dna tomatoes can be put in cylindrical, spherical, elliptical and pertsepodobnye form. Western Union is likely to increase your knowledge. Now the task before researchers test, does sun gene or genes that are close to him in the sequence, the shape of the fruits of other plants. Meanwhile, Japanese gardeners brought new hardy grapefruit, which by its taste is not inferior varieties that are imported into Japan from countries with subtropical climates. To launch a new fruit, called ‘Saga Ruby’, used the seeds of the royal mandarin. The experiments were begun in 1985, but the first success Japanese breeders have come to only 14 years later.