But what it goes to mark the industrial development in Brazil is the period of great planning and plans. Jucelino Kubistichek elaborating next to its economic team the first plan of goals, 1956 to the 1961. It is proven through messages sent to the national congress, the following speech, how much the national fishing activity, of the president of the republic: She is if creating, slow more firmly, one fishing mentality in Brazil. Governmental initiatives of assistencial and educative character, and also private enterprises of spread, modify of year for year, the statistical picture of this industry, designating constant increases in the fished production of, that it more than reached two hundred a thousand tons in 1955 (Juscelino Kubitschek, April of 1955) Has the increment in the fishing production with passing of the years, an uninterrupted, however without dynamism and disarrenged what had been coordinated increment. Brazil possua one fishes predominantly artisan, with rudimentary techniques and been slow in relation to many countries, it fishes of which did not allow great advances of the productive forces and that it are to little and of slow form being incorporificadas. It had great barriers to the capital, did not have who fomented this activity of relatively important importance. In 1961, in the Jnio government Pictures, the Advice of Development of Pesca is created, for the decree n. 50872, having as main objectives: to elaborate the plurienal plan of fishes, to elaborate also programs for the technician formation and professionals in the area of fish, to promote the social assistance to the workers of fish, to give fiscal exemption to the industries for the construction of boats of fishes and to extend the market of consumption of the great demographic centers and cities of the interior. It had changes in the speech, changes these that had finished for creating, in 1962, for the delegated law n.
Month: January 2014
Reflection on the Dogmtica Constitution ' ' I gave Verbum' ' OBJECTIVE the objective greater of Conclio was to spread out the Word of God, in fulfilment to the desire of Jesus Christ who announced: IDE for the entire world and announces the Good Notice to all the Humanity. (Mc 16,15) Soon, in the Promio, the objective is distinguished to consider the genuine doctrine on the Divine Revelation and its transmission, so that the entire world, hearing, believes the message of the salvation, believing waits, and waiting it loves. (DV 1) the structure of the document is sufficiently simple, but it concentrates a deep and beautiful teaching very. ' is assigned; ' constitution dogmtica' ' accurately for dealing with faith subjects. More specifically, it approaches the complex relation between Writing and Tradition. The REVELATION Is auto-manifestation of God who encloses its being in such a way as its workmanship and words, therefore the God of the Bible is a Living person. It is in the Bible that we know all the action of God in History.
Revelation is the initiative of God, to know God is a mystery experience, is transmission of the Divine Revelation. Citations – 1.Ef 1,3-14? 2.Rm 8,18-19? 3.Mt 11,25-27? 4.Jo 15,14-15? The SACRED TRADITION the church all extracts its teaching of the Divine Revelation through the verbal tradition that came of the apstolos and the written tradition, the Sacred Bible. The Sacred apostlica Tradition is one of them pillars of the Church Catholic, and these traditions make to grow the faith of the people of God, therefore it is an inexhaustible source of life. This Tradition progresses in the Church under the assistance of the Espirito Santo. It grows, with effect, the understanding in such a way of the realities as of the transmitted words. The OLD WILL the Old Will is the way of preparation for the coming of Christ.
Globalization And Latin America
In the city where I live, Rosario, state of Santa Fe, Argentina, settled long ago a new General Motors plant for the manufacture of automobiles. The state government provided at no charge to the new plant, land, services, electricity, water, gas and taxes, for an ini-tial period of five years. This included the construction area free of executive and paths. After five years, taxes and services they provide 30% of their real value. The reason for these gifts, was due to provide manufacturing plant instead, work for two hundred employees, thereby alleviating unemployment in Argentina. In fact, the company justified 80% of its stock of foreign nationality, under the guise of specialization.
Only 20% was personal “native.” What you say and you and imagine, is that there are no such facilities Argenti-sized enterprises. This is a fact often repeated in Latin America. This is the reality of a globalizing context, completely lacking any component balanced. It is this globalization that we proposed as something random happens, like what was to come, without the intervention of human hands. Certainly not, these events are produced by men in corporations …
If we make history of globalization, remember that oil crisis transnationalized the economy, urged countries to the ex pension and market research. Especially, do not forget the constitution of the new financial mega-market. A series of new phenomena have changed the face of the economy and society.
Summit President
Interesting its pronouncement when he said that the current global economic crisis threatens the efforts made to return to the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean towards the path of growth and the reduction of poverty. See threatened these achievements with sacrifices by the international collapse in which we have had nothing to do (a great truth) therefore, it is important to consider the need to build a new regional order which gives account of the transformations of a world that will not be the same. This means we relate not from subordination but from collaboration and cooperation added the President, that it is essential to provide funds to credit as the IDB (inter-American Development Bank) international agencies, so that through various plans we can provide continuity and sustainability to the growth our emerging economies. Faced with this reality and waiting for its official of President Obama United States discourse, this said, as elnuevodiario.com.ni brings it in the last two years, I have indicated and I repeat it today that I’m ready to make my Administration engage with the Cuban Government in a broad list of issues ranging from human rights, free speech and democratic to drug reform, migration and economic issues, I will be clear: I am not interested in talking on the talk. But I do believe that we can lead the Cuban relations in a new direction.
Will be on the lookout for the encounter, behavior, speech and opinion of the President Venezuelan Hugo Chavez who said their participation before with what moral I will go I to a Summit in which they are United States and Canada, but not Cuba?, Chavez reflected about the validity of the non-inclusion of Cuba, placed in the here and now and given the changes that have been taking place since then and said: Cuba is in Latin America. There is no sense that has incorporated the institutions, summits, mechanisms that work in the region and remains outside the Summit of the Americas and that point should be checked during the regional meeting. It must be careful about other shares, especially that of Obama, in order to determine what your plan, actions with this continent oara.
Latin America
300 million potential consumers (25% of them live in cities), with GDP growth between 7% and 8%. In terms of GDP is the seventh world power, having moved to economies such as Spain, Canada and Brazil. The World Bank is expected that by the year 2020 is the first world economic power, representing about 40% of world production. A UN report on global investment in 2001 indicated that over 400 of the 500 largest corporations in the world have invested in about 2,000 projects in China. Companies such as Matsushita, Toshiba, Sanyo, Phillips and Mitsubishi are shifting much of its production to China, Siemens produces about 14 million mobile phones at its factory in Shanghai. Canon has shifted its Asia headquarters in Beijing. Spanish companies Tecnicas Reunidas Nutrexpa, Alsa, Fermax, Indra, etc.
have managed to position itself successfully in this complex market. A recent study on the 27 Glodman Sachs GLOC (Global Companies) in the world, believed that the company only had a China strategy could be considered as such. The recession of the EU and the socio-economic uncertainties in Latin America (where Spain is the main investor), makes it necessary to consider China as a strategic market for the company. It is therefore necessary to know the key aspects of this market to design a successful implementation strategy and / or export. China produces over half the world's cameras, 30% of air conditioners and televisions, 25% of washing machines, about 20% of refrigerators and 70% of the toys. "Galanz" produces 40% of microwaves sold in Europe today.
Spain Document
When presenting a foreign public document before a Government agency, there are many doubts about its legalization and legal validity of its translation. If you need to present a paper in Spain and abroad is required to be legalized, its legalization should be done either through the Apostille of The Hague or through diplomatic channels. Once the document is duly authenticated, shall be translated. To be legally valid it must be done: “In a sworn translator licensed or registered in Spain by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Spanish. “For the Office Language Interpreting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Spanish.
“For any Spanish diplomatic or consular representation abroad. “By the diplomatic or consular of the country from which the document. Another requirement that may be needed when submitting a document abroad and whose translation has been made in Spain by a sworn translator is the legalization of the signature that translator, which must be before a notary or the competent official. Certified translations of English are the most sought after, but since the incorporation of new countries to the European Union, authorized translations in other languages are increasing, especially Romanian certified translations due to the large number of immigrants present in our country. In addition to a certified translation, government agencies may request that, for a foreign document valid in Spain, it is legalized. For any foreign document legally valid in Spain, and unless there is some convention, treaty or international agreement that exempts it is necessary for legalization.
To legalize a document there are two ways: Apostille of The Hague. It is valid for those countries that are signatories to the Convention. The place which the State must document and takes effect before any authority in Spain. The competent officials in Spain to place the Apostille of The Hague on the type of document in question. In connection with a certified translation, the Apostille of The Hague is considered a different document that it accompanies. Diplomatic channels. This is the procedure for non-employee assigned to the Hague Convention. Depending on the nature of the public document to be legalized in Spain, the legalization may be done by the courts or by way of attorney. Judicial review applies to judicial documents (such as orders and judgments) and documents relating to civil status (marriage certificates, death …). The way of attorney applies to any document authorized by a notary, whether original or copy, and legitimization and legalization of signature.