The man possesss values that they need to be respected, becoming it, with its work, more self-sufficient and gentleman of itself, conditions take that it to a superior performance. The force use does not advance or external stimulatons, to get the motivation, these factors alone will obtain to place the person in mechanical movement, will be necessary to respect its individual differences, its values and proper ways and to guarantee it a work that allows it to conciliate its individual objectives with the organizacionais objectives. 5.Clima Organizacional For Fleury (1993) the organizacional climate is the quality or property of the environment that is perceived by the members of the organization and, according to it, would be responsible for its behaviors that is, mentions collective atmosphere to it of the work environment. Loureno (2003) affirms that the organizacional climate is a set of values or attitudes that affect the way with that the people if relate. More information is housed here: Bloomingdales. The organizacional climate is the human environment inside of which the people make its work and lead to the provocation of different species of motivation in its participants, she affects the performance and the satisfaction in the work and is capable to affect the organizacional behavior. To measure and to select the degree of satisfaction of the collaborating right-handers of the company, it is used Research of Organizacional Climate, integrant administrative tool of the System of Quality, that can be applied separately or of joint form with other tools that used well, makes possible the direction of the companies to detect adopted factors, procedures and problems of hierarchic relationship that can represent points of attrition in the organizacional process. The pointers of the Organizacional Climate are: – Envolvement of the people with its works, – the average of the time that the people remain in the organizations, – the index of absenteeism, – the quality and the efficiency of the carried through works, – the rumors, – the participation in the events promoted in the company, – the strikes, Also the apathy, the integration the conflicts, the enthusiasm, the cooperation between groups can be evaluated in the research. .