SAS LIFE Contract

Soon after, it displays a brief story on the specific case presented the decurrent incidents of the safe from life in analysis, demonstrating the importance of the safe from life for the classroom of the military officers, analyzing, still, the general and state legislation applicable, beyond proving the legality of the insurance contracted for the State of the Paraba next to the insuring company, as well as the legality of the discountings effected and gained for this, not having any right of the insured in recovering the deducted values, exactly that they have not revealed agreement with regard to the act of contract and the discountings. Finally, it brings decisions pronounced for the Judiciary paraibano, with different agreements, debating them to prove the inexistence of right to the insured, how much to the restitution of values in the intended molds, for observance to the legal devices and applicable principles of right to the case. Search, thus, to give orientation on which the laws and the forms of its application in the case concrete. Word-key: Civil liability. Contracts.

Safe from life in group. State of the Paraba. Safe south America. PMPB. INTRODUCTION the present monographic research has for objective the study of the decurrent responsibility of the contractual relations, in special, in the insurance contract, taking for base the specific case of the contract of safe from life contracted for the State of the Paraba before the company Sul Amrica Seguros de Vida Previdncia s.a. – SAS LIFE, for the integrant ones of the Military Policy of this exactly been – PMPB. The boarded subject however is inserted in the scope of the Civil law, which in general contains pioneering norms in the regulation of the responsibility and contracts, amongst them, of insurance, with brief quarrel in the scope of the Right of the Consumer, despite with the advent of the Code of Defense of Consumidor (CDC), in 1990, the securitria activity is being focused, also, under its optics.